走入畢卡索美術館:Paul Smith 攜手策劃 Musée Picasso 逝世五十周年特展!


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作為畢卡索逝世 50 週年紀念活動之一,Musée Picasso 畢卡索美術館在 2023 年 3 月份開始舉辦了紀念特展,並且邀請由英國時尚設計師 Paul Smith 作為展覽的藝術總監,邀請了 Diana、Olivier Widmaier Picasso、Malgosia Bela、Sophie Hicks、Sophie Hicks 等名人共襄盛舉,同時希望能以不同視角帶著我們重新觀賞畢卡索傳世多年的經典之作。

Paul Smith Musee Picasso The Collection in a New Light Art Exhibition 2023

Paul Smith

Paul Smith Musee Picasso The Collection in a New Light Art Exhibition 2023

Paul Smith

Paul Smith Musee Picasso The Collection in a New Light Art Exhibition 2023

Paul Smith

Paul Smith Musee Picasso The Collection in a New Light Art Exhibition 2023

Paul Smith

Paul Smith Musee Picasso The Collection in a New Light Art Exhibition 2023

Paul Smith

Pablo Picasso 自 1973 年於 Mougins 家中離世 50 年以來,留下的作品為整個 20 世紀帶來深遠的影響,而在這值得紀念的時刻,由 Paul Smith 接下藝術總監一職,重現珍貴的館藏同時,也完整揭開了與藝術家之間最親密的連結,讓我們透過時裝設計師的眼界重新了解其在當今歷久不衰的影響力。

Paul Smith Musee Picasso The Collection in a New Light Art Exhibition 2023

Paul Smith

Paul Smith Musee Picasso The Collection in a New Light Art Exhibition 2023

Paul Smith

Paul Smith Musee Picasso The Collection in a New Light Art Exhibition 2023

Paul Smith

Paul Smith Musee Picasso The Collection in a New Light Art Exhibition 2023

Paul Smith

Paul Smith Musee Picasso The Collection in a New Light Art Exhibition 2023

Paul Smith

整間 Pablo Picasso 美術館擁有數以千計的寶藏作品以及眾多畢卡索的個人物品,從繪畫、雕塑、素描、雕刻到陶瓷都代表了其廣泛的技術與創意,除了透過兩位當代大師的匯集,在展覽中也包括許多國際創作者的作品,藉由其從畢卡索身上汲取的印象與熱愛,從不同角度深入了解這位偉大的藝術家,本次特展將於 3 月 7 日開始對外開放,感興趣的朋友不妨可以多加留意。

Paul Smith Musee Picasso The Collection in a New Light Art Exhibition 2023

Paul Smith

Paul Smith Musee Picasso The Collection in a New Light Art Exhibition 2023

Paul Smith

Paul Smith Musee Picasso The Collection in a New Light Art Exhibition 2023

Paul Smith

Paul Smith Musee Picasso The Collection in a New Light Art Exhibition 2023

Paul Smith

Paul Smith Musee Picasso The Collection in a New Light Art Exhibition 2023

Paul Smith

「透過將畢卡索非凡的典藏作品帶到美術館中心,這個嶄新的呈現方式是充滿俏皮而歡愉的嘗試,通過一位偉大創意家那雙敏銳而調皮的眼睛,重新詮釋畢卡索的所有創作領域,包含繪畫、雕塑、陶瓷和平面藝術。本次展覽以巧妙的方式展現『畢卡索慶典』,並預告著畢卡索美術館的未來。」巴黎畢卡索美術館館長 Cecile Debray 說道。

Paul Smith Musee Picasso The Collection in a New Light Art Exhibition 2023

Paul Smith

Paul Smith Musee Picasso The Collection in a New Light Art Exhibition 2023

Paul Smith

Paul Smith Musee Picasso The Collection in a New Light Art Exhibition 2023

Paul Smith

Paul Smith Musee Picasso The Collection in a New Light Art Exhibition 2023

Paul Smith

Paul Smith Musee Picasso The Collection in a New Light Art Exhibition 2023

Paul Smith

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