前進世界盃熱潮:造訪卡達旅遊,還有這 2 間絕美藝術博物館不容錯過!


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2022 年 FIFA World Cup 世界盃足球賽的展開,不只是以在 2002 年後第二屆在亞洲舉辦的世足賽而備受關注,同時也讓地處阿拉伯半島上的主辦國「卡達」成為了全新的旅遊目的地,除了為世界盃而斥資 2200 億美金興建的場館與週邊酒店、訓練場地等,為到訪者必定會遊歷的地區,位在首都杜哈其實還座落了兩間博物館,絕對值得安排進行程中!

National Museum of Qatar

於 2019 年 3 月正式開放的「卡達國家博物館」由建築師 Jean Nouvel 設計,以卡達知名的沙漠玫瑰作為主要靈感,從外形上就能看到數個沙色圓盤組合而成的特殊建築樣貌,座落於首都杜哈的中心地帶,博物館包圍著修復過的阿米里宮舊址改建而成,館內的展覽圍繞在卡達的在地文化、歷史遺產以及展望未來等相關主題,並由新穎的聲光效果展示。

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

National Museum of Qatar

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

The Museum of Islamic Art

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

National Museum of Qatar

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

The Museum of Islamic Art

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

The Museum of Islamic Art

不只是建築上獨有的紋理將沙漠玫瑰的特色融合其中,步入博物館內,目光將再度被高聳的堆疊木牆驚艷,經由 Koichi Takada 建築事務所設計,並透過義大利木匠 Claudio Devoto 與團隊手工組裝打造,將取自卡達自然景觀「光洞」的靈感藉由獨特的排列堆疊營造出來,透過高處的天窗引入採光,因此在不同的角度都能感受到如親自步入洞穴般的光影變化,為整個空間添入藝術氣息。

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

The Museum of Islamic Art

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

National Museum of Qatar

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

National Museum of Qatar

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

National Museum of Qatar

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

The Museum of Islamic Art

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

National Museum of Qatar

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

The Museum of Islamic Art

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

National Museum of Qatar

The Museum of Islamic Art 


Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

The Museum of Islamic Art

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

The Museum of Islamic Art

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

The Museum of Islamic Art

The Museum of Islamic Art

The Museum of Islamic Art

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

The Museum of Islamic Art

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

The Museum of Islamic Art

遊歷了建築迷人的幾何線條外觀後,步入其中能看見大堂中的環狀金屬吊燈,與點綴在中庭各處的伊斯蘭幾何線條彼此相互呼應,如同貝聿銘許多作品中不可或缺的光,參觀者能透過傳統的阿拉伯拱形窗與綿延至穹頂的大型玻璃帷幕,將杜哈海濱的夕陽盡收眼底。由 Wilmotte Associates 團隊參與設計的內部空間,規劃成了數個展廳,當中包括許多源自世界各地的伊斯蘭藝術展品,從陶瓷、珠寶、木製品、紡織到玻璃藝品,追朔過往的歷史記憶。

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

The Museum of Islamic Art

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

The Museum of Islamic Art

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

The Museum of Islamic Art

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

The Museum of Islamic Art

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

The Museum of Islamic Art

Qatar Travel National Museum of Qatar The Museum of Islamic Art 

The Museum of Islamic Art

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